Android for developers: the protagonists of Google I / O


They already warned to start the conference: the protagonists are now developers,and this is reflected in a new way of doing things more friendly and attract more interesting programs and applications. You need to join this revolution that started from a market dominated by Windows to another system that smartphones and tablets are the main protagonists. Google Play is very important for developers agent. And why Google is willing to listen to developers, with new development tools
Android for developers: the protagonists of Google I / O

New APIs for better services

Google+ Sig-In is a success as we already knew, because now users are able to install an app when we started meeting with Google+, which has gotten them a lot of users who have chosen to install an app. Now it is possible connect your server to Google servers, and this communication also works on the user side to the creator. This way developers can use the power of Google servers in your favor.
-sync notifications
Notices and can be synchronized between devices, so if we skipped a notice we will have when we catch another device.

Android Studio

Android Studio is a new tool for developers to create code faster and easier. It is based on IntelliJ, a development environment for Java that now obtains various modifciaciones for Android development, such as always know how it will look our app in different screen sizes, to launch the same app on multiple devices with multiple screens and in different languages ​​and with different icons. It is a powerful tool that lets you create apps aimed at different markets. You can also take advantage of new APIs announced, and in fact the program will be updated with support for more news.
Update: Now you can download Android Studio

The famous sidebar

Google notes what is happening, and if you see the side menu has started using enough ... what better to help developers officially incorporating it into Android? For all developers, here all necessary information about

Help to distribute and monetize applications

But the distribution and monetization is equally important, so Google Play also has news.The optimization tips are small pieces of information that allow the developer to learn to take better advantage of their work. For example, if we have many visitors from Russia, but our app is not Russian, we will suggest.
The translation service apps to the rescue in this regard. It allows us to connect with the different translation and localization companies simply, knowing the price that will cost us in early to avoid surprises.
Tracking referrals lets us know where they come from visits to our apps, and if those visits are installed and used. Of course, it is useless to install apps if not used, so Google Analytics will be integrated with this system. Of course, the goal is to get money, and for that you need a new tab that specifies how much money we're winning with our app, and where it is coming from.
To obtain the opinion of developers, has included a new beta and alpha channels to bring 

our apps to beta-testers, and that these inform us of any bugs and problems to fix before 
How to find the apps? Thanks to a redesign of Google Play is now easier than ever, youwill also receive the web version. The tablets are carried lovingly, with an exclusive view of apps designed especially for such displays.

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