free astro boy game Action android 2014

 Astro Boy game

Help Atom safeguard Earth against dreadful outsiders and malice robots! Take Astro Boy game to the skies or battle by walking in this marvelous tower-safeguard and activity system diversion! 

Ruler, the oppressive overlord of Planet X has sent his despicable outsider cronies to loot the Earth of its regular assets. Joining his reason are force hungry robots who need to wipe out people so they can assume control Earth and transform it into their own particular technocratic oppressed world. Help Atom and his companions keep King's plans from happening as expected! 

Join Atom and his companions as they battle off the outsider trespassers and the fiendishness robots that help them. Take Atom to the skies or on the ground to battle both area and airborne adversaries. Update Atom and open important automated force ups. Get robot parts scattered over the combat zone and make your own robot armed force. Gather assets for Prof. Ochanomizu to repair and update Atom and your armed force. Summon Atom's sister Uran, Box, and other unique robots to help Atom at last obliterate the foe's entrances and end the outsider intrusion! 

 Astro Boy game
 Astro Boy game


- Original Astro Boy game craftsmanship based from the first arrangement 

- Take to the skies! An interesting battle framework gives you a chance to battle in area and air! 

- Exciting tower safeguard gameplay with another turn 

- Collect robot parts to manufacture your own robot armed force 

- Up to 50 robots to find and manufacture! 

- Collect assets overhaul or repair partner robots 

- Discover many robots with distinctive abilities and classes to construct 

- Upgrade Atom's parts and arm him with capable abilities

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